Sunday 10 July 2011

Dauphin Country Fest

It only took Toby Keith in the line up of performers to convince us to take this 9 hr drive to Dauphin, Manitoba for the opportunity to hear and see him do his stuff.    This was our first road trip with Ray's new Subaru WRX

We enjoyed the drive through Riding Mountain National Park.  This photo is as we exited the park back into farm country.  Very pretty.

A colony of ground squirrels entertained us at one of our stops along the way

Here we are... at last. HeeHaw!

Grand Stage and 4 or 5 fields filled with campers.

Ray sitting  and enjoying the view

Including the many ladies in bikinis and short shorts 

Not much water in those parts of Manitoba.  This small creek nearby was filled with campers trying to cool off.  Lots of drinking going on here.  It was entertaining to watch.  You woudn't have caught me soaking my toe in those muddy waters. 

 The bull riding competition was also entertaining to watch. 
Starr would have loved trying this.

These stunt motocyclists and 4-wheelers were amazing. 

Chrystal Shawanda
Aboriginal Country Singer from Wikie F.N.
She sounded great - I need to buy her CD

And finally, Toby Keith.  Unfortunately, young underage drunken Punks were blocking our view.  We had to move and it was a challenge getting a glimpse of Toby. 
But he sounded fine... oh so fine.

It was a fun and interesting weekend.  The campground is way to rowdy to consider camping here in the future.  Best stay in Riding Mountain N.P. and day trip to the Fest.  Reserving a seat would also guarantee us a better view of the performers. 

On our way back, Ray took a detour south.  Here the Assinaboine River is very high.  Still lots of flooded fields in Manitoba despite all this hot weather we've been having. Here Ray witnessed a raven snatch a small river swallow mid air.   


  1. So... back to this again. No comments? We love hearing your feedback. Let's here from you . Say Hi at least. Let us know you are alive and well and care to read our blog. lol

  2. Well hello there. Well enjoy your day or whatever it is that you are doing. Hope to see you in the near future. Just so you know, if many people aren't commenting maybe its that they don't check you out on here as they do on facebook. Hope you're enjoying your Vegas trip, how exciting. Well take care.


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