Wednesday 6 July 2011

50 & Forever Grateful

How incredibly lucky and grateful I am to have such great friends and family. 
I was recenlty surprised with a 50th birthday bash.  Apparently, my good friend Kaaren had been scheaming this little gathering for quite some time. 
Oblivious... I was totally oblivious to all this.

I relive the moment over and over again... when I entered our home and I layed eyes on Sarah, then Helen, Kaaren and Kaaren Jr... later Christine.  My husband and son were all smiles.  "What in the world?'.   Then I saw the flowers, the posters on the wall and I finally clued in... I'd been had.  This was all for me.  How special. 

There was a 60s theme going on and Kaaren ended up being the only one dressed up for the party.  Ha Ha.  She looked so great.  What a trooper!

Helen worked really hard on a number of "Far Out" posters. A great job. I can't beleive how much work she put into these... oh... how my name was probably cursed. lol  

Perhaps the most touching gift for me was the scrapbook that was so carefully put together for me... a collection of good wishes from friends and family, close and from back home.  What a treasure.   Thank you all for contributing to the scrapbook. 
 I LOVE it.

What is a birthday without sweet cake?   
Cheesecake and chocolate bunt cake.  

I loved so many things about my 50th birthday.  Flowers from my mom and sister, card from another sister...  the fact that so much thought went into making my day special touched me immensely.   Thank You

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