Tuesday 21 June 2011

Grade 8 Graduation

Our son Starr has graduated from Public School. 
He looked so handsome and we couldn't be prouder. 
Congratulations !


Starr's date to the ceremony and dance looked very lovely. 
Starr is preparing to give Riley her corsage.

Grade 8 Graduation is no small affair ... as you can see. 
Our son looked so handsome.
Had to get help tying a tie... lol

And then he joined the boys and compared notes.

Class of 2011

And Ray missed it all cause he was hard at work at Musselwhite.
Here he is ... holding a brick of pure gold
Oh... that's right - no car here.  Need to fly out.

 The very next day, Starr had to go to work at the camp.  We turn another page... from first date to first job.  The summer is filled with new experiences for our little man.

And I keep enjoying my surroundings... enjoying the beauty that exist all around us.  I have a grateful heart.
Pink Ladies Slippers are found all over the Boreal Forest at this time
Tall Lungwort

Northern Bog Laurel

Wild Lily-of-the-Valley

And weekly, I spot a bear or a moose. 
 This youngster was likely booted away from his mom as she cares for a bran new calf at this time of the year.  Yearling moose like this one are now on their own to fend for themselves. 

Leave us a comment... send us a message. 
We love hearing from you.

1 comment:

  1. wow..those are all nice pictures.. I love the "start the car" one. How handsome that Starr is, looks like you both. Love the photos of the wild flowers.


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