Saturday 24 September 2011

Camp, Paddle 'n Cut

A late summer trip in the park was just what I needed.  It felt good to return to the boreal forest, to hike the spruce bogs, to work up a sweat clearing portage trails... and to treasure all of the gifts this great land offers.   As soon as we got dropped off, we set out in search of a camp site, home for the next 4 days.  

This open rocky point is perfect

A few notes and then we set out to find the trails that need clearing. 

I welcomed the smells, the sounds, and the sights... all of which will linger in my mind long after I leave   

And when we pay attention, we find small treasures.

Time to sharpen the saw and get to work

Old blazes show us the way to the next lake...

A grouping of fallen spruce trees add a little challenge but we carve through

And eventually we reach the water again.  Another trail across this pond awaits.

At the end of the day, a good meal, and time to take down a few notes.

We had visitors every evening.  A Boreal Owl flew in and out.  Three curious otters slithered by, pointed their nose, barked and swam away.  A large beaver made sure we were aware of its presence.   The distant honking of Canada geese reminded us that a new season is approaching.  Other creatures are more discrete and leave only signs of their passing.

 An old shed antler along the beach... 

Small details that amaze me.  A tight jack pine cone.

The nights are cold and the mornings crisp.

A hot coffee quickly gets us ready for another day... and the canoe is set to go again.

And we explore yet again

I treasure my work in the park and take nothing for granted.
"Let Nature be your Teacher" 
William Wordsworth

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