Thursday 1 September 2011

Family Trip


Ray, Starr and our grandson Adam just completed a "boys only" trip to Waterton National Park at the south end of Alberta right against the US/Canada border.  

First the long drive across the prairie provinces... with its own beauty. 

Finally in the mountains

Picked up a campsites and set off hiking.

Waterton National Park is gorgeous

Waterton townsite

Where deer lay in the shade like dogs

A full day of hiking and sight seeng resulted in some pretty bad foot blisters for Ray.  So the next day, they opted to stay off their feet and ride horses.

Like a scene from Bonanza - awesome.  Turns out Adam is a natural in the saddle whereas Grandpa nearly fell off his horse at some point.  That is the story I heard.

The ride got better and better

And then the ascend - they had to dismount their horses to help with the climb.  So much for resting the foot blisters... ouch!

But they finally reached the top

The setting and beauty was worth all the pain...

It happened to be Starr's 14th birthday... Happy Birthday

You can see the town of Waterton down below

The next day, Ray opted to soak in a Hot Springs while the boys took in a game of golf nearby... Starr first time golfing.  Adam shared a few golf tricks with his little uncle Starr.

All too soon, it was time to head back east.  En route, they dropped in "Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump" interpretive centre.

And after 2 weeks away from home, they were welcomed to freshly picked blueberries and homemade blueberry pies.

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